The mobility to Poland was postponed to the third year of the project due to Covid19 situation.

The mobility was finally held on March 2022 and it had to be a Blended Mobility, combining virtual and non-virtual activities.

During the mobility the Poland team did an effort to fulfill the objectives of this activity, but the whole concept of the mobility had to be modified to be adapted to the virtual environment. They programmed 3,5h of activities during each day for a whole week with different activities. The Workshop for teachers about Interactive boards use and decoupoage Art technique, and the workshops for students about handmade toys were all done. The workshop for stduents Quizdom was substituted by an activity on Genially and how to create virtaully Easter postcards. But many other activities were included: introducing eachother, school tour, Twinspace forums, a Kahoot, we enjoyed a Euoepan breakfast, and prepared collaborative power points to do the workshops with the rest of students in each country. In this web page we've changed the format of the evidences of this mobility to provide a whole idea of what we did day by day.

Poland Blended Mobility day by day: