(electronic and by paper) to disseminate the project objectives and the planned outcomes.Pupils find info from one partner's country and add partner's info. Teachers will review it.

Before the EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES: Twinspace discussion: Add expressions and words in partners’ languages.Teachers propose few sentences in English. Pupils from every country should translate into a language different of their own one. Pupils from the language country will review. After it, 2 pupils from 2 countries will create collaboratively a kahoot.

EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES (26th): Kahoot about European languages. 

PAIR LEARNING: Held an ERASMUS DAY in all schools to present the project to all the students and families. 

Evaluation to pupils: they will fill in a form about the ICT knowing tools in a list So, at the end of the project we’ll assess how many  new ones they’ve learnt.

Add on the website the statistics of the answers of kahoot about European day of languages in every country with few words of assessment.

Making and sending Handmade Greetings Cards.


Insert in the Handmade Greetings Cards a photo of students in augmented reality. 

DISEMINATION 2019-20: A short article in a local paper, or school magazine, radio, TV...

Czech Rep and Poland proposes September painters. Spain- Greece will recreate the painting using different art techniques which will be decided previously and will send 1 reproduction to every country, so, at the end of the second year we will show them on the erasmus exhibition of works.

Create an exhibition by adding students works of the partners September painters using augmented reality.(biography of the painter, real painting, students working on the painting, …).

Biography: 2 students from Spain and 2 from Czech Rep. will meet in a drive document and will work cooperatively in order to write a common biography about each September painters of the month.

Write in a grid the monthly number of visits to the art techniques tutorials.

Every month there will be a September painters to reproduce in all countries, where one of the partners will be in charge of creating a game with that painting (puzzle, quiz, etc). Poland will be in charge

Every partner will play with the game created about the September painters of every month.

Create an exhibition by adding students works of the partners September paintersusing augmented reality.(biography of the painter, real painting, students working on the painting, …).

Creating our eTwinning project and our Website page.

Create a SYMBALOO to be adding every new tool used.

online meeting between coordinators for the follow up and new agreements of the project