During the first year of our project we wanted to know if our dissemination was well done or not, so, we added a counter of people visiting the website and we took numbers 3 times during the 1st year.

We realized that in December 2019, it is, after 4 month of the creation of the project, 772 people had visited our website.

In a meeting with the 5 coordinators we decided to follow as we were doing till now, as numbers were not that bad.

In February 2020, the increasement of visits to our website arrived till 1078 people, which means that not all families from our schools are visiting it regularly, so, we decided to do some more dissemination through instagram, so to improve number of visits and be sure all families from the 5 schools were able to visit the website and see their children works there.

At the end of April, due to confinement, we decided to do something special, and we prepared a escape classroom to be played in the 5 countries. Our pupils are not that big enough, so, families were helping and with it, we ensured all families were finally very familiar with the GIANTS Erasmus website. Visits number were very increased, going from 1078 visits in February till 4908 at the beginning of May 2020. It was a great result. Now we can say all families and schools communities know our website and our project.

Also, looking at the map of visits, we can proudly say that we have visits from all over the world, not only from Europe and not only from the countries participating in the project.

Next school year we will continue with dissemination of the project, inside and outside our school communities.