During the first year of our project we wanted to know if our dissemination was well done or not, so, we added a counter of people visiting the pages of our workshops done during our mobilities and we  registered the number of visitors  3 times during the 1st year: February 2020, April 2020 and June 2020.

In February 2020, we had content on the workshops that were done in November during our first mobility, so, it was supposed to have some visits.

The number of visits to each workshop was very different, as we had only  around:

  • 50 and 57 visits to the 2 ART workshops (FIMO and MARBLING)
  • 46 visits to the workshop about new Methodologies “solving problems” which was little surprising, as other schools from our area asked us to teach them this methodology and so we did.
  • 33 to the workshop about gamification by using CLASSCRAFT.
  • 112 to gamification by using ESCAPE CLASSROOMS.


It was February, and of course we wanted to improve number of visits, so, we tried to improve dissemination through instagram and it worked.

In April 2020 we had some more visits, it was not too much, due to Coronavirus situation, but we continued our dissemination and in June 2020 all our workshops increased the number of visitors in a significant way. The one that had a better increasement was ESCAPE CLASSROOMS, with more than 450 visits and lot of comments on our instagram account.

Same happened with the workshops we did in February 2020 in Finland. We did not very much dissemination about them, as we were immersed on Coronavirus situation and there were other important things to explain to families.

The number of visits is more than 50 in each of the workshops.

For us it was a great result. Now we can say all families and schools communities know our website, our pupils works  and our project in general.

Next school year we will continue with dissemination of the project, inside and outside our school communities.

Have a look at the number of visits during the 3 times we registered them: