20 i 23 de gener del 2025

Aquesta setmana del 20 de gener els alumnes de 6è estan preparant-se per realitzar un meet amb els alumnes de 6è de l’escola d’Anglaterra perquè estan realitzant un projecte eTwinning d’English art junts. 

Primer han executat l’obra d’art en les sessions d’aula Art in English, posteriorment han pensat i creat les preguntes que els agradaria fer als alumnes britànics i també elaborat una presentació i explicació del seu projecte. 

Finalment, han fet un meet molt enriquidor per tots.

A continuació s’adjunta el document que s’han preparat per al meet:

20 y 23 de enero de 2025

Esta semana del 20 de enero, los alumnos de 6º se están preparando para realizar un meet con los alumnos de 6º de la escuela de Inglaterra, ya que están trabajando juntos en un proyecto eTwinning llamado English Art.
Primero, han creado su obra de arte durante las sesiones del aula Art in English. Posteriormente, han pensado y elaborado las preguntas que les gustaría hacerles a los alumnos británicos y también han preparado una presentación y explicación de su proyecto.

Finalmente, han llevado a cabo un meet que ha sido muy enriquecedor para todos.
A continuación, se adjunta el documento que han preparado para el meet:

20th and 23rd January 2025

This week, starting on the 20th of January, Year 6 students have been preparing to hold a meeting with Year 6 pupils from a school in England as they are collaborating on an eTwinning project called English Art.
First, they created their artwork during the Art in English classroom sessions. Afterwards, they brainstormed and prepared the questions they would like to ask the British pupils and worked on a presentation to explain their project.

Finally, they held a highly enriching meeting for everyone involved.
Below is the document they prepared for the meeting:

eTwinning art in English questions for the 1st meeting

  • Presentation

Hello everyone! We are the Year 6 students from Salvador Sanromà School in Llinars del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain. We are 26 pupils, and we love working on art projects. We also enjoy participating in eTwinning projects. Thank you for joining us in this eTwinning project! We are very excited to meet you! To get to know you better, we have prepared some questions we would like to ask you. 

  • Questions about the school and students:

  1. What’s the name of your school, and where is it?
  2. How many pupils are in your class?
  3. What is your school like? Is it big or small?
  4. What subjects do you have and do you like the most in school?
  5. Do you work on art projects often?
  6. What languages do you learn at your school?
  7. Do you use technology in your lessons? And books?
  8. Do you wear uniform?
  9. What do you have in your playground?

  • Questions about the project:

  1. What is your project about?
  2. What’s the name of the artist?
  3. What materials did you use for the project?
  4. How long did it take to finish the project?
  5. Did you work individually or in a group?
  6. Was it easy or difficult to make the project?
  7. What was the hardest or most difficult part? And the easiest?
  8. What did you enjoy the most?
  9. Do you have a favourite part of your project? What is it?
  10. What would you change about your project if you could?
  11. Would you like to do another project together in the future?

  • Our project: 

Our class group received a box containing papers and cards with drawings. The group was divided into two smaller teams, and we selected two leaders, one for each team. After that, each leader chose the members of their team and distributed the cards. Each team received 33 cards. 

Each student draw each picture in a bigger size using a pencil. Once all the drawings were finished, we joined them together using tape and traced over them to ensure they aligned perfectly. Finally, we painted them with tempera. We didn’t finish yet, but we are in the final part of the project. 

  • For doing our project, we used: 
    • Pencils
    • Rubber
    • Paper
    • Tempera (Colours)
    • Tape

Finalment han fet un meet molt enriquidor per tots.