ICT tools we know. MAY 2020
ICT TOOLS USED IN OUR LESSONS (September-January 2020) |
Graders |
Which ICT tools have you used this term? |
Fotografies/Vídeo (On ho podem veure?) |
2n (music) |
I have used the page Learning apps to learn the name of musical instruments in English. Matching name and image. |
3r |
Canva: designing banners |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bt3iBqTWOk&feature=emb_logo |
3r |
Scratch: Halloween games |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=80C5iWgZYpM&feature=emb_logo |
5è |
Scratch: Creating Halloween games |
P:\MESTRES\MESTRES 19-20\Fotos per Erasmus\Eines TIC\Scratch 5è_Halloween games |
5è |
Chroma: During the week “Save the Planet” we take two green screen photografies (1 with a polluted landscape and two clean ones). It is simultaneous to the Job Shadowing visit. |
5è i 1r |
Chroma: We prepare a Christmas card on green screen together with the 1st and 5th graders, within the project “Godparents and Godchildren”. |
3r |
Website of the locomotive system, where Wixsite, learningapps, edpuzzle are used. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyZ5BYiK-ZQ&feature=emb_logo |