All project coordinators created cooperatively this questionnaire, to be used as a mid-term and end of the project assessment. The questions were created in English and then translated into local language by each of the coordinators, to allow sharing it with all students, faculty and families.

STUDENTS: https://forms.gle/LnxGASeCS5ZXvoyi8

TEACHERS: https://forms.gle/RzExFrZHMc5F426y6

FAMILIES: https://forms.gle/GxXb9Hw9CDg44PBR9

Since the results of these questionnaires are private to the Erasmus team, we've uploaded it as a draft in our eTwinning space.

Finally, once we started our project, the 5 coordinators took the decision to do not create a unic page with all ICT tutorials, as we though it would be easier for everyone visiting our project to find them if every tutorial would be placed in the page where we have our works and examples. So, every page of workshops has its own tutorial, and same happens with "painters of the month" pages.

That's why we added counters to see number of visitors in every one of our workshops pages and in every one of our painters of the month pages and not here.
